Emilie Hsieh is the co-founder and Ceo of Allie, an engagement platform that allows employees to give feedback and get personalized coaching on issues like inclusion.

Allie helps companies build inclusive culture, they’ve created an employee engagement platform that allows employees to give feedback and get personalized coaching and then these insights get aggregated at a company level so they can identify where there are issues with inclusion that they can help fix.

Best Quotes of the Show

Juliette Roy: Have you noticed any positive change that you want to share with us.

I think it’s even just the micro changes that we see every day so even going through Techstars with our cohort. Seeing Founders realize oh my gosh. We should be thinking about diversity and inclusion from the very beginning. We need to embed it in our values and our culture from the start, and it’s really awesome to see how conscious how inclusive the other Founders in our cohort were
Allie and our mission resonates with people. Folks from all different backgrounds can relate to being excluded right. It’s not just underrepresented groups. It’s even majority groups. So to be able to see how much that mission connects with people and how much people can relate having people tell us their stories has been I think really really empowering.

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Links We mentioned


Change Catalyst


Tech Inclusion Conference

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